Lisa Fest

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Lisa Fest

Family and Consumer Science

Jr. High Social Studies

Phone: 507-853-4507 extension 1212

Courses Taught:

Fundamentals of Food Preparation

Advanced Food Preparation

Clothing and Construction

Ag Business and Marketing

Food Science

Child Development

Jr. High US History

Jr. High Geography


Mark, my husband, and I have been married for almost 30 years.  We have 6 children- 25-12 years of age.  I am busy most days with school and nights with sports, grading, or family.  When I do have free time I love listening to audiobooks, cooking, and being with my family especially our granddaughter.

I have been a part of education for almost 30 years.  I knew I wanted to teach kids from my teenage years as a youth leader in 4-H.  I graduated from the University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus with a BS in Home Economics.  Most of my teaching experience and curriculum development has been through the University of Minnesota Extension in the Nutrition Education and 4-H Programs. 

Since 2014, I have been teaching in the traditional classroom.  I have had many opportunities at Heron Lake-Okabena including paraprofessional, Title teacher, substitute teacher, Community Education Director and Instructor, EFCE Instructor and currently Family and Consumer Science Teacher, Jr. High Social Studies Teacher and a short stint as Lunch Lady:) I am continuing my education in History through Southwest Minnesota State University. I believe no one should ever stop learning.  Everyday I learn something new from my students, co-workers, family or just life! I encourage my students to do the same.

My heart has always been in teaching youth through school, 4-H, church, and other community events.  I love to teach students how to cook and bake.  The motivation to make a difference in the lives of students continues to challenge me.  Every day is an adventure for my students and myself!.

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